
March for Science: What is science to me?

In honor of the March for Science which took place around the world, I’ve decided to share what science means to me, an eleven year old student. In general, science is our understanding and discovery of how the world works. Almost everything we know can be defined by science, how it works, what it is, […]

NFL Analysis: Super Bowl success of playoff teams

The playoffs are coming up, and no NFL fan could be more excited. The Cowboys have made a great improvement from last season, the Raiders might also make a big appearance, and of course the Steelers clinched the division with an exciting Christmas effort. Though these teams have played well during the season, how well […]

NFL Analysis: Jets and Steelers Fans Beware!!

Hey Jets fans! You listen too, Steelers fans! You may have 10 wins each in 2015, but don’t get excited. Experimentally, there is only a 40% chance either of you return to the playoffs next year. Like my last blog, my data goes back to 2002. So since 2002, teams with 10 wins go back […]

NFL analysis: Wins and Making the Playoffs

NFL analysis: Wins and Making the Playoffs

During the 2015 playoffs, there were two division leaders, the Washington Redskins, and the Houston Texans who went 9-7 (W-L) during the regular season. I did a little research, and I found out that if you go 9-7 you have a 60% chance of not making to the playoffs, much less be a division champion. […]

Facts about Ice Cream

An Italian man has balanced 71 scoops of I.C. on one measly cone (it’s surprising the cone held that weight). Eel-flavored ice cream is a possibility for your dessert in Japan. In 1988 a microbiologist became an ice cream man, by using liquid nitrogen to flash freeze ice cream, and invented the now popular Dippin’ […]

Facts about weird sea creatures

The Indonesian Boxfish was an inspiration-for a fuel-efficient Mercedes-Benz! Puny, 6″, Vampire Squids protect themselves from predators by wrapping their arms around their bodies to make themselves look inside out! Imagine a pale, white old man with no wrinkles, a frowning face, and a very large, floppy nose. Take away the body, limbs, and neck […]

Facts about luck

Around the globe, ladybugs are considered a sign of good luck. For over 2,600 yrs., people in Western Europe have thought that rabbit’s feet would bring good luck. Many people around the world believe that crossing their fingers should bring good luck to them. Wearing yellow skivvies (undergarments(underwear)) in the south american country of Peru […]

Facts About Aliens

One fourth of all Americans believe earth has been visited by extra-terrestrials. Scientists have been looking for pollution on other planets. This would be a sign of technology produced by other life. Some people used to believe martians built canals on Mars. In 1938 a radio reported a meteorite that had smashed into a farm […]

Sneaky Facts About Spies

British author Ian Fleming, who created the character James Bond was a SPY himself during world war II. Aldrich Ames started working for the U.S. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY when he was in HIGH SCHOOL. Thirty years later, he was caught as a soviet DOUBLE AGENT. In the james bond movies q makes futuristic gadgets and weapons […]

facts that will stick

you need about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce(340-g) jar of peanut butter.   1 acre (0.4 ha) of peanuts could make 30,000 peanut butter sandwiches.   carageenan, the ingredient that makes peanut butter so spreadable comes from seaweed.   people living on the east coast prefer creamy peanut butter; people living on the west […]