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Facts about luck

  1. Around the globe, ladybugs are considered a sign of good luck.
  2. For over 2,600 yrs., people in Western Europe have thought that rabbit’s feet would bring good luck.
  3. Many people around the world believe that crossing their fingers should bring good luck to them.
  4. Wearing yellow skivvies (undergarments(underwear)) in the south american country of Peru on New Year’s Day is considered a sign of good luck.
  5. In Germany, touching a chimney sweep’s brush is supposed to bring good luck.
  6. In China, 8 is considered a lucky number, and one reason they think that 8 is a lucky number is because on 8/08/08, over 300,000 couples got married. Funny though when you divide 8 by 2, you get China’s unlucky number, 4.
  7. Rare, four-leaf clovers are supposed to bring good luck to people round the globe. But wouldn’t you liked to be at least 14 times luckier than if you found a four-leaf clover? If that’s the case, than you should have wished you the clover that holds the world-record for most leaves: 56 leaves.
  8. Hanging a horseshoe over a door in America is considered a sign of luck.
  9. The phrase “break a leg” is believed to bring good luck to performers about to go onstage.
  10. Many countries believe for the number 7 to be able to bring good luck. In the USA, on 7/07/07, the average number of weddings was tripled.
  11. The European country England believes that it is good luck spider in your wedding dress.
  12. In the European country Spain, eating exactly 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Day is supposed to bring good luck.
  13. In Southern USA, people believe that eating black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day will bring good luck.
  14. While campaigning for president of the USA, Barack Obama had, in his possession, a soldier’s bracelet, a gambler’s lucky token, and several tiny religious icons for good luck.
  15. In several cultures, if you are pooped on by a bird, good luck is supposed to come to you.


source: National Geographic 5,000 facts about everything

One comment on “Facts about luck

  1. Cool facts – Good Luck to you Caleb!!!!

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