Facts About Aliens

One fourth of all Americans believe earth has been visited by extra-terrestrials.

Scientists have been looking for pollution on other planets. This would be a sign of technology produced by other life.

Some people used to believe martians built canals on Mars.

In 1938 a radio reported a meteorite that had smashed into a farm and New York was being invaded by tentacled martians. Thousands of people panicked.

98% of all stars in the universe could give planets life.

There are an average of 192 UFO’s come close enough to earth that we can see them per day, worldwide. An average of 70,080 come close enough we can see them per year. But only an average of 70,000 are reported per year, worldwide.

No UFO has ever been tracked by radar entering the earths atmosphere.

A fifth of Americans believe in alien abductions. However more men are part of that fifth than women.

A seventh of Americans say they have had an encounter with a UFO.

sources: National Geographic; newreality.com

2 comments on “Facts About Aliens

  1. Interesting facts once again thank you Caleb

  2. Caleb, I loved the facts about aliens! Keep the facts coming!

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