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Facts About Endings

Nostradamus, a 16th century French astrologer, predicted many things, including when the world might end. But since his predictions go to the year 3797, we will have to wait.


If you board the longest single-rail railroad, the Trans-Siberian Railway, in Moscow, Russia, the ride ends 5,772 miles (9,288 km) later in Vladivostok. The entire trip takes about 8 days.


On the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams died in Boston at age 91. Reportedly, he said, “Thomas Jefferson still survives.”  What he didn’t know was that Jefferson had died a few hours earlier at his home in Virginia.


The most south westerly part of New England is Lands End. Basking sharks swim offshore and dolphins can be spotted from the cliffs.


A bridge in Sowerby, England is known as the “World’s End” bridge. It was built in the 1600s for packhorses to cross a river to a nearby town.


Our sun will end up as a white dwarf star when it runs out of fuel in a few billion years.


Why can you never reach the end of a rainbow? Because it moves as you move. The raindrops reflecting the sunlight that cause the rainbow aren’t located in one part of the sky.


At the end of the Indianapolis 500 the winner drinks a bottle of milk. The tradition began with winner Louis Meyer in 1936: he drank buttermilk.


Ushuaia, known as the most southern city in the world, is located on Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. Puerto Williams, in Chile, is also known as the southernmost city, but while it’s a little farther south it’s also smaller. Most travelers to Antarctica leave from Ushuaia.


Dorothy and her friends find Emerald City at the end of the yellow brick road in the movie The Wizard of Oz. Some people believe that a road of yellow bricks in Peekskill, New York, US, inspired the auther of the book that was later made into the movie.


For 30 years NASA’s Space Shuttle program sent astronauts into space. The program ended on July 21, 2011, when its 135th mission landed at Cape Canaveral, Florida, US.


The end phase of a forest fire is the glowing phase, when the charcoal created by the fire burns to leave a small amount of ash.


In May of each year the night ends for 84 days in Barrow, Alaska, US. The sun won’t set for 12 weeks in Barrow, known as “The land of the midnight sun.”


J.K. Rowling knew how the Harry Potter book series would end when she wrote the first book.


Visitors to the southernmost point of the United States in Key West, Florida, find a concrete buoy that says it’s only 90 miles (145 km) to Cuba.


source: National Geographic Kids; 5,000 awesome facts (about everything)



One comment on “Facts About Endings

  1. keep the facts coming these were great Caleb, Thank you

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